Living well in the first months of postpartum

Are you about to become a new mother or have you just become one and are you worried about the postpartum period ? Don't worry, we will support you during this emotional period. How to prepare for your postpartum period and how to approach it well? We tell you everything!

Living well in the postpartum period means preparing for it

A postpartum period needs to be planned ahead ! Take advantage of your maternity leave to organize your return home after giving birth. Find out in advance about all the gadgets you will need to use for your baby: stroller , car seat , bottle warmer , etc. It is better to take a look at all these instructions with a clear head rather than doing it in a rush. You can also make a list of things to do once you get home from the maternity ward. Like declaring your child to social security, making an appointment with the pediatrician or even finalizing your child's registration in daycare. If cooking is your thing, prepare small dishes in advance and freeze them. You will see, having dishes to reheat when the baby is there will give you a break. A word of advice: focus a lot on nutrition during your postpartum period, it is essential.

Eat to regenerate

You have just experienced a magical moment: giving birth. This feat has consequences, especially on your body. It is important to pamper it and who says treat yourself, says eat well ! Diet is very important after the physical ordeal that is childbirth. Thanks to diet, you will provide your body with everything it needs: vitamins , proteins , minerals, etc. To support you in this important postpartum stage, we advise you to eat fiber, breastfeeding herbal teas, vegetables with so-called “warming” spices , broths with lots of proteins and minerals and above all… your favorite dishes that you deprived yourself of during your pregnancy! Here, food rhymes with pleasure : go to your favorite restaurant and treat yourself to your favorite dish.

Take some time for yourself!

During the postpartum period, it is essential that you take time for yourself . Yes, your friends and family want to visit your little one, but you have to think about yourself ! Rest is the key to a good postpartum period. As soon as you can, take the time to rest and sleep : at the same time as your baby's nap, for example. It is necessary to have a balance between social life and alone time , to preserve your cocoon with your baby but also with yourself. For more peace of mind, tell your loved ones to let you know before coming to say hello, or suggest specific days and times . Above all, don't hesitate to ask for help ! Need a hand with laundry, housework or to manage nap time: ask those around you. It is completely normal to want to be alone after these 9 months of pregnancy and to want to take some time for yourself . Take advantage of it to do a relaxing activity that makes you feel good!

A good postpartum is done as a team

Being a parent is a full-time job, it is important that your couple is united and that you help each other . Divide up the tasks so that everyone has time to breathe. Between bottles, baths, bedtime and changing, there is not much free time left... And yet, you are not just teammates! You are parents but above all a couple ! During the postpartum period, keep your little habits as lovers . It is important to keep the flame alive between you and spend time together . Even if the birth of a child is a moment of pure happiness, it is also a source of stress, and this can be felt in your relationship. Don't worry, you just need a little time to adapt before you get back together. Here are all the keys to a successful postpartum period ! You can now experience this moment with complete peace of mind .