Managing your schedule as a young parent

As a young parent , it is sometimes difficult to manage your time and take time for yourself . Here are some tips and tricks to help you better organize your daily life .

Medical appointments

Your baby has many medical appointments and it can be easy to get lost… Don’t panic, we’ll summarize everything for you! To be well organized, you need to know the important appointments and keep a schedule to make sure you don’t miss any. To help you, you can use an application like Google Calendar, reminders on your phone, a paper diary or even the good old method of a calendar hanging on the fridge! Note that from birth to 6 years old , your child has 20 mandatory medical appointments .

Birth planning at 12 months

Your baby's very first check-up takes place within 8 days of birth . This check-up gives you a health certificate specifying: the progress of the pregnancy, the delivery and the baby's state of health at birth. It is recommended to have a second , more in-depth check-up between the 8th and 12th day , to ensure that the baby is in good health. Then, consultations are done at a rate of 1 per month until 6 months . During this period, your child receives his mandatory vaccinations and boosters , mentioned in the health record . By the way! We have health record covers to offer you! Between 6 and 12 months, a medical appointment should be made every 3 months .

Planning between 1 and 6 years

Between 12 and 24 months , your baby has a medical appointment every 4 months . His growth and the evolution of his weight, height, head circumference and psychomotor development are examined. Here too, vaccine boosters can be done. After 2 years , your child should consult approximately every 6 months until he is 6 years old . At a minimum, a check-up every year is necessary to ensure that he is in good health. This is also the time to check if vaccinations are up to date and discuss small problems such as sleep for example or allergies.

Taking time with your child

As a parent, it is very important, for you and your child, to spend time together . Sometimes with our heads down, we miss out on simple little moments ! Spend time with your child to create a bond: sing lullabies, cuddle them, tell them stories or even massage them at bedtime… There are many possibilities . If they are a little older, you can share activities together . Introduce them to new things ! Walk in the forest, play sports or yoga and bake delicious cakes. Create little rituals with your child that will become moments of pleasure that you will look forward to.

Take time for yourself

Dear young parents, take some time for yourself ! Set aside slots in your schedule for: a walk, a moment with your friends, a wellness break… In short, whatever you like! Ask for help ! Your full-time job as a young parent takes up a lot of your energy, sometimes you have to know how to delegate to unwind . The golden rule is not to feel guilty . You have the right to take time for yourself. It is important to know how to let go to recharge your batteries .