Let's talk about the diaper bag, the headache of all young parents! It's the bag that must accompany your baby for each of his outings from leaving the maternity ward until he is about 3 years old... Finding the balance between not forgetting anything, but not overloading yourself is a real challenge . The best of the best would be to have a Mary Poppins-type diaper bag, but that's not technically possible. So you're going to have to be methodical and very organized ! To find out the essentials to slip into the diaper bag, click here!
What should you put in your diaper bag? How to adapt the contents of your diaper bag for each outing? When should you prepare it? What must you absolutely find in it? And to start, how to choose it? We give you some keys to calmly compose your diaper bag , which is practically the survival bag for baby's first months.
How to choose your diaper bag?
The first thing is obviously to choose it. Not too small because you risk being quickly limited and finding yourself having to put the last little things in your handbag, in the pocket of dad's jacket or in a tote bag... Not very practical when you know that a baby's needs can be urgent and that the comfort of the parents is essential to do everything very quickly without being sweaty. You will therefore have to make sure that you can put everything in a single bag. But you should not take it too big either because it will become very bulky. Of course, you can put lots of things in it but which are not necessarily useful all the time... and worse: you risk forgetting these things lying around in the bag. The choice of size will be up to you but you have to keep this in mind. One thing that seems essential to me: it must be waterproof . You will be required to put a bottle of water, a baby bottle, a soiled bodysuit in it... With a waterproof lining, no leaks and a sponge is enough to clean. Finally, it must have a few compartments to organize well. Interior pockets are ideal. Remember to check that they are different sizes to adapt to the different objects that you will put in it: diapers, baby bottle, saline pipettes, compresses, thermometer... And at least one exterior pocket to have the bottle of water, the water bottle or the comforter close at hand.
When to prepare your diaper bag?
The ideal is to always have a bag to be ready to go. The reflex is therefore to refill it as soon as you return from an outing . If your baby had to be changed during the last outing, put a complete outfit back in the bag with bodysuit, sweater, pants, socks. Little tip: put this complete outfit in a small canvas pouch to easily find all the contents at once. If you have to change your outfit, it's because there was a small incident so you have to do it quickly! Always have at least two diapers in the bag. Refill the milk dispenser box. Put a clean bottle back.
Adjust the contents of your diaper bag when going out
The contents of the diaper bag will vary depending on the type of outing (park, visit to the pediatrician, family lunch, etc.). There is no need to take too many diapers if you are going to the park. You should allow one diaper for 2 hours / 2 and a half hours of outing , and add a diaper just in case! If it is a longer outing , for example a short weekend, remember to take the health record, physiological serum and sterile compresses.My diaper bag essentials
Now, let's get to the heart of the matter! What are the essential items to always have in the diaper bag? Having a list in your head or on paper is ideal to avoid getting scattered. We advise you to write it down and slip it into the diaper bag, this will prevent you from losing it. With this, you no longer need to think about it every time, let yourself be guided by the list you have made.Diaper bag essentials
For the change
- Diapers : element number 1 of course!
- Nappy wipes : Disposable or washable? There is always a debate. At home, you may have opted for washable wipes and you are right. Don't feel guilty if you choose to use disposable wipes when you go out with your baby. It is true that they will be much more practical when walking. If you take your reusable wipes, remember to also take a small plastic bag to put your used wipes in. To be used with liniment.
- Liniment : to take if you opt for washable or disposable cotton squares.
- A travel changing mat : even though there are now many public places that are family-friendly, the changing plans offered are not always comfortable or impeccably hygienic. With a travel changing mat, you are assured of being able to change your baby's diapers comfortably and hygienically. Choose one with a waterproof side (a double one with a PVC canvas for example).
- Diaper bags : Once you have changed the soiled diaper, you are not always sure of finding a suitable bin. A diaper bag is therefore sometimes welcome to receive the dirty diaper while waiting to find a bin.
- A change of clothes : always have a complete change of clothes! Bodysuit, t-shirt or sweater, pants, socks. You never know what will get dirty, soiled, wet...
For the meal
- An empty bottle or one containing the amount of water for a bottle of milk : if your baby is on powdered milk, you must of course have a clean bottle in your bag. If it's a short outing and a bottle should be enough, you can put the necessary water directly into the bottle.
- A powdered milk dispenser. To avoid having to carry the rather bulky powdered milk dispenser with you, invest in a dispenser. They are available from all childcare specialists and also in supermarkets. Usually made up of 3 compartments, they allow you to prepare exactly the amount of milk needed. When you're out and about, simply pour one compartment into the bottle and that's it!
- A bottle of water or a water bottle : it is important to be able to offer your baby something to drink regularly.
The little extras
- A pack of tissues : always useful for wiping a runny nose.
- A bib or a diaper : in case of regurgitation or while taking a bottle. The diaper is particularly practical because it is multi-functional. We had already talked about it in a dedicated article: here.
- The little snack is not to be neglected either
- The comforter
Items to add to the bag for more comfort
- A pacifier : to calm baby, it can be useful!
- Games, books : sometimes you have to keep them waiting. A rattle, a musical book can do the trick and prevent you from having a tantrum?
- Coloring and colored pencils can also keep your little ones entertained.
- A small, light blanket or plaid
Things to add if you're going away for longer
- The health record
- Pipettes of physiological saline solution
- Sterile compresses
- A bottle of cleansing milk
- A cream against diaper rash
- A hat or a bonnet depending on the season
- Sunglasses
To make things easier for you, here is a little checklist to download and keep in your diaper bag!