Are you nearing the end of your pregnancy and are you eager to meet your child? It is time to prepare your maternity suitcase by adapting it for the summer season in order to have a peaceful stay at the maternity ward. If some of you have already prepared your maternity bag for months and have checked the list 3 times to be sure not to forget anything, others prepare it at the last minute, or even procrastinate. Indeed, preparing your maternity bag can be a source of stress. This means the end of the round belly that we have become accustomed to in recent months, but above all the beginning of a wonderful adventure with baby. So for all those who want to know the essentials of the maternity bag in summer and make sure they haven't forgotten anything, here is our list (not exhaustive) of the essentials of the maternity changing bag special summer for mom and baby. Also find out how to properly prepare the baby's birth kit